One-stop Destination for all Government Transactions, Simplifying Processes, Saving Time, and Ensuring Quality Service, all under One Roof.

Visit us today for Seamless Solutions!


The Best Value


Trusted Experts

We are with you every step of the way

MOHRE Approved Center for TASHEEL, TAWJEEH, TADBEER and ENJAZ Services in Abu Dhabi.

Reliable Transactions

We guarantee accuracy and efficiency in all your business transactions, ensuring seamless operations.

Dedicated Assistance

Our expert team provides personalized support to guide you every step of the way.

Easy Payments

Experience hassle-free payment solutions designed for your convenience and security.

Workforce Solutions

We connect you with highly skilled and qualified domestic workers tailored to your household needs.

Comprehensive Services

From government to non-government tasks, we streamline your requirements for smooth completion.

About Us

Everest Businessmen Services is a trusted company in Abu Dhabi licensed by MOHRE. We have become a leading provider of government and private services in the UAE. Our dedicated team is committed to delivering high-quality services, ensuring our clients receive the best support and solutions.

What we Offer

We go above and beyond to exceed expectations with a strong commitment to your satisfaction. Trust us to handle your requirements with precision, efficiency, and attention to detail. Choose our services for a dependable and customer-focused approach that adds value to your daily life.

Your satisfaction is our success!


Professional Services and Customer Care

Our team is committed to enhancing your experience and ensuring your utmost satisfaction at every step.

We offer fully connected services, allowing you to focus on your business

It is managed by a team of highly skilled professionals and experts with extensive experience. They are dedicated to assisting and advising customers to meet their specific needs. Additionally, the company leverages advanced technology, enabling efficient operations.


Your One-Stop Solution for Seamless Transactions

We specialize in delivering efficient, hassle-free services tailored to meet all your transactional needs. Whether it’s managing government or private sector tasks, we simplify the process with our advanced systems and experienced team.

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7 Days a week



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